To access the Midlife Diagnostic Assessment, please continue reading until the end.
Who I am
What I do & Who I help
How I help
Hello, so glad to have you here!! I'm Michell Pulliam... author, women's mindset coach, and vision strategist for midlife women. I'm a certified professional life coach and ordained minister with 25 years of experience under my belt. During those years, I've worked with and mentored hundreds of women. Supporting, assisting, and guiding them through taking the next steps in walking out their God-given purpose, to live life without limits. My coaching style is twofold (spiritual and practical) and I strongly believe in the holistic approach to coaching (coaching the whole person—mentally, physically, and spiritually), even more so as we age. You can read my full bio here.
On the surface, I create personal and professional programs and products for women, but what I really do is show overwhelmed middle-aged women how to go to their next stages of life with clarity, confidence, ease, and a step-by-step game plan. I support them in manifesting their visions by showing them how to set doable goals, based on their desires. This makes her goals inspiring, fun, and (most importantly) attainable. She gets very clear on exactly what she wants (and doesn't want), what steps to take to get it, and the skills and support needed to maintain it. After she's done the work (together) we create her personalized life plan (packed with valuable tools) she can recycle and use over again to ensure every 'next' chapter is a best seller!
First, we start with mindset work (which is the foundation of any transformation). Using my 'Doing You Well' Signature System, you'll learn how to get rid of all those limiting beliefs that hold you back and keep you playing small. Next is the fun part. Using the same system, we explore and brainstorm all the possibilities available for you, where I help you navigate through and choose what resonates with you, then align it with your desires. And don't worry, if you have no clue what your desires even are... we'll take care of that. Then comes the magic... where I show you how to repackage your unique gifts, talents, passions, skill sets, and life experiences—you'll be surprised how much you've gained over the years—to create a life that lights you up! A life you're eager and excited to wake up to and embrace each day! My coaching style has been referred to as 'magnetic inspiration' as my clients go from doubting they could ever have a fulfilling life, to envisioning and mapping out that life, to living and falling in love with that life... regardless of their age. I'm living proof! And I'm so grateful God has given me the assignment to serve women in this capacity. It's what I wake up every morning excited to do.
If I've piqued your interest and you're like, "girrrrl, where have you been all my life?!!", start by filling out the form below and take my Midlife Diagnostic Assessment, then let's get on a call together and go over your results. We'll see exactly where you are on your midlife journey, then explore how I can assist you. No strings attached! You're not obligated to go any further. And no worries, it's complimentary, or shall I say... on the house. It's my gift to you. (cause I'm a sower 😊).
After our call, you'll:
Gain valuable insight to help you get a clearer focus on what you truly want from your life.
Find out what or who could be hindering you from getting it.
Discover the specific areas of your life you've been tolerating.
Recognize how you could be subconsciously sabotaging your life and what to do about it.
To take your midlife diagnostic assessment, fill out the form below and you'll be taken to a page to book your call. The link to take your assessment will be in your booking confirmation email