the cultured life
'turn your purpose into profit'
online course
Launching Winter 2020!

Now an
ONLINE Course!
I'm so excited to be offering this new course to my clients! One of my passions is to see women live their lives at its highest level and control their own destinies! What better way to do that, than to become their own boss! From mindset to business model and everything in between! I help women take that dream in their head → to a vision on paper → to a viable business they can be proud of!
This course is for you if you have a vision you've been sitting on because you're either afraid to take the next step or you just don't know how to bring it to life. In either case, your end goal is to get it out there so it can touch the masses! But of course, you need assistance doing that, right? That's where I come in!
Imagine yourself creating a business exactly the way you want. A way that feels good, where you bring your passion, your talents and dreams to the table to create a lifestyle that leaves you refreshed, motivated and excited every day! Where you're doing exactly what you were created to do, all while operating in your expertise! And to top it off...you'll get paid to do it!
What Is It?
My Turn Your Purpose Into Profit course is a five week course designed to show you how to confidently leave your 9-5 for your entrepreneurial dreams! Showing you the step-by-step process to getting your vision off of paper and into reality! You can work at your own pace!
This program is for you if you:
Are ready to take your vision and dreams off paper and make it a real, tangible business that brings you financial freedom.
Have started your own business, but unclear about what to do next.
Are ready to invest in your life and create the lifestyle you've always dreamed of.
Know you have an awesome idea that would bless so many people, but you need help bringing it to life.
Have many gifts and talents, but want clarity on how to hone in on them so they can all be utilized in a business that allows you to do your life's work.
Know the expertise you're bringing to the table every day (you know, the one that's making your employer rich), you can do yourself . . . if only you had the road map and steps to show you how.
You've got a calling, giftings and talents . . . why not get paid for it?
Inside the Course:
How To Ensure Your Business Idea Is Rock Solid . . . If It's Not, You'll Regret It
Why You Must Have the Right Mindset Before You Even Consider Starting Your Own Business
How To Find Your Business Competency To Ensure You'll Be In It For the Long Haul
How To Create A Stress-Free Business Plan That Works
Branding Yourself, So You'll Stop Wasting Your Time and Energy On Those Who Will Never Be Your Clients or Customers
Business Structures, Taxes, and Assets, Oh My!
How To Create Profitable Sales Funnels To Ensure Your Business Is Constantly Making You Money
How To Handle Your Finances Like A Boss By Avoiding These Mistakes Most Businesses Make
How To Make Your Business Stand Out From The Rest . . . You're Unique, So Your Business Should Be Too
And More . . .
Course Includes:
Checklists/cheat sheets
Office hours via email for any ongoing questions (duration of course)

Read Privacy Policy/Terms of Service here
My Mindset Makeover Program is a seven week intense program created to improve the quality of your personal and professional life by changing your perspective on how you see yourself.
Know you should be farther in life, but not quite sure how to get there?
Afraid to ask for what you’re worth because you lack assertiveness?
Frustrated because you keep sabotaging your life by selling yourself short?
Learn to confront your insecurities, to get on the path to your transformation!
Discover your worth and the life you were created to live, and fall madly in love with it!
My program is designed to give you the keys you need to make a major mindset shift (so you can empower yourself and take ownership of your life) in order to get everything out of it . . . you, desire, deserve, and have earned!
What We Need and Deserve, and Why Getting It Is The Difference Between Merely Surviving and Thriving
Why Your Attitude IS Everything, and It Has Everything to Do With Your Mental Outlook
The Confidence Factor and Why It's Sometimes Good to Make It About You
Why It's Important to Give Yourself Permission to Use Your Outside Voice
The Importance of Being Your Own Cheerleader and Best Friend and How This One Character Trait Will Empower You
How to Uncover Your Purpose (Surprisingly, It's Not What You Think)
The Importance of Seeing Yourself Finished, Before You Even Begin
My Relationship Renovation Program is a six week intense program designed to totally renovate your relationships. You'll be given the skills needed for effective communication in all of your relationships (personal and professional).
Are you frustrated and tired of being misunderstood because you’re not clearly getting your point across?
Are your relationships suffering because of your lack of communication skills?
Learn how to take full responsibility for your part in your relationships.
Get insight on how to engage and keep anyone interested in what you have to say (without having to be a people-pleaser).
Find out why the correct presentation has everything to do with effective communication, and effective communication has everything to do with good relationships.
My program will also show you how to recognize the 'red flags' to look for in order to avoid unhealthy and unproductive relationships. My program will make you the communication and relationship maven, so you can rock in all your relationships, both personal and professional.
The Foundation of Communication and Why It Must Start Here
Why Your Presentation Is Everything and It's All In What You Say
When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them . . . to Save Yourself the Heartache
How to Communicate On a Personal and Professional Level and Why There IS a Difference
The Techniques to Becoming A People Magnet and How to Attract and Keep Anyone Attracted to You
Why You're Being Misunderstood and the Key to Stopping Others From Misinterpreting You
My five-week Signature Relationship Course
Seven weeks of intense work with me
1:1 customized weekly (telephone or Skype video) clarity sessions with me
Pre-work/homework, assessments/quizzes, exercises/worksheets, checklists/cheat sheets
Unlimited access to me via email for any ongoing questions (duration of program)
what others are saying!
My workshops are a condensed version of my entire 'Cultured Life' Signature Programs. You can choose from topics like 'Knowing Your Value and Worth', 'Finding Your Purpose', 'Turning Your Purpose Into Profit', 'Relationships', 'Goal Setting', 'Team Building', or any other women's empowerment topic. Or it can be catered to your specific needs. Email me here, so we can discuss what works best for you!
Want to reinvigorate and revive your women's group?
Empower your team and build moral and comradery?
Or grab your girlfriends for an afternoon of rediscovering and reinventing yourselves?
Your not so typical workshop! My fun, interactive workshops are guaranteed to give you thought-provoking exercises and techniques you can easily implement into your everyday life.
A workshop designed using a practical faith-based system (appealing to all learning styles) to help you create the life you want!
Giving you easy, actionable steps you can apply immediately, to improve your life! Showing you how to change your mindset, so you can change your life!
An afternoon packed with 4 hours of discovery and fun, at a location of your choice!
Minimum of 10 women required.
Per-person registration fee also applies. Rates are based on number in attendance.
Workshop Also Includes:
Video modules
Entertaining Group Icebreakers
Catered Lunch (options will be provided upon booking)
"A strategy based seminar to help you define your purpose."
"Really great information! Wets your appetite and stirs up interest! You're motivated to self inspect and seek your purpose more diligently."
"A workshop that helps you bring awareness to your life. Makes you step back and take a look at your life to see if you are really living your life's purpose. And it helps you find your happy place."
"It was a great experience! It opens up your mind and causes you to see things in a different light. Helps to shift your way of thinking."