Welcome to the challenge!
Welcome to my free five-part personal development mini-course, "How to Get the Results You Want"! If this looks familiar to some of you, that's because it is. This was once a five-day challenge I put on twice a year, but I've decided to turn it into a mini-course to make it more accessible so anyone could take it at their convenience.
My hope is that after completing this mini-course - you'll be empowered more than ever to pick your dreams up again, go after what you truly desire for your life...and make it happen!!
There's nothing more empowering than coming to the realization that you can have, do, and be anything you want, according to God's Word! Ephesians 3:20
The problem for most people is they don't believe it's possible for them. These are what I call (self-sabotaging) limiting beliefs.
If you believe that achieving big goals, big dreams, and living a life of abundance and success are possible… you'll get it.
But on the other hand, if you believe that life is difficult, big goals are impossible to achieve, and success and prosperity are reserved only for a select few… you can rest assured, you’ll get just that.
Or perhaps you do believe, but you're stuck because you just don't know the next steps to take in order to make it happen (this is where most people find themselves stuck). In either case, this mini-course will help you get clarity so you can start seeing those dreams come to fruition!
During this five-part mini-course, I’ll share with you some exercises that will help you realize—not only is success possible for you, but it is also inevitable and that BIG dream you've envisioned for your life, can come to pass! But you have to believe it and do the work! Remember Mark 9:23, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Throughout this course, remember this verse. Better yet, write it on a notecard and post it somewhere you can see it every day.
To get started, you can click the corresponding links below. Also, I suggest you get a notebook or journal specifically for this mini-course. You're not required to print out the assignments, you can simply write your answers in your notebook/journal. And don't worry, the exercises should only take about 10-15 minutes to complete. You can do the assignments at a time that works for you (but I suggest doing the assignments every day in order to get the most out of it). The goal is to complete the course, so you'll have the tools needed to get the results you're looking for!
I've also included a cheat sheet below. You can access and download it to refer back to when you need some encouragement and motivation to keep going after your goals.
Also, if you know of someone you think would like to take this mini-course, please tell them to sign up!! Again, thanks for taking the course and I wish you much success!